About ERAC – Overview

Emergency Response Assistance Canada (ERAC) supports its Plan Participant members with all their emergency preparedness and response needs.

Incidents involving dangerous goods, including flammable gases and liquids, can happen at any time and in any place. When they do, our plan members count on us to provide a safe and effective emergency response, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We hope you never have to call us… but we are ready to respond if you do.


  • Mission, Vision and Values

    Emergency Response Assistance Canada (ERAC) is a not-for-profit, emergency preparedness and response organization created by industry for industry. A subsidiary of the Canadian Propane Association, ERAC develops, implements and responds to more than 400 emergency response plans, including emergency response assistance plans, environmental emergency plans, rail security plans and spill contingency plans, for our over 320 Plan Participant members.

    Over our 39-year history, we have been instrumental in assisting hundreds of oil and gas and transportation organizations successfully secure and maintain approval for their required emergency response plans. ERAC’s experienced team of professionals also provides member support and assistance through our strong, positive relationships with federal and provincial government regulators and agencies, and our nationwide network of emergency response teams and responders.

    As an emergency preparedness and response organization, we ensure that our response teams are well-trained and prepared to safely address any flammable liquid or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) incident by road, rail and stationary tanks. To that end, we offer the most comprehensive on-line training programs for ERAC responders, members and first responders. ERAC holds 40 annual Regional Training and Assessment events, and firefighter training exercises to assess and ensure the competence of our first responder teams across Canada. 

    Our highly-trained and skilled responders, industry best practices and equipment, ensure we are well-prepared to address any flammable liquid or LPG incident promptly and safely in Canada at any time, while protecting people, property and the environment.


    As a single, comprehensive service provider, Emergency Response Assistance Canada’s mission is to deliver safe, timely and effective dangerous goods emergency response services and training on behalf of our Plan members and first responders.


    To be the highest quality emergency preparedness and response assistance organization in Canada.


    ERAC is committed to the five following values: 

    • Safety

    • Integrity

    • Collaboration

    • Respect

    • Learning